To meet the increasing requirements for security and information security of customers, Vina Aspire conducts research on applying Blockchain to information security and safety solutions provided to corporate and organizational customers. . . are in demand in Vietnam.
Blockchain technology is command distribution technology, block chain technology, etc. The blockchain protocol establishes a set of rules in the form of distributed computing, which can ensure the integrity of data exchanged between devices without going through a third party. Therefore, Blockchain will be “the world’s leading digital asset storage software platform”[1]. Along with IoT, Cloud, AI, Blockchain is understood as “a technology for storing and transmitting information and data using interconnected blocks and expanding over time”[2].
With breakthrough technologies, Blockchain will lead the 4.0 Industrial Revolution with outstanding superiority:
– The birth of this technology is an effort to find ways to solve problems of privacy and security (transparency, high security) on the internet using encryption algorithms;
– As a distributed (decentralized) database, data is stored in the form of blocks. The body of a block carries transactions on data (like a state machine). Blocks are connected together in the form of a linked list (linked list) in SHA256 encryption[3]. The encryption of a block includes both the address of the previous block and its own body, so once a block is added, it cannot be changed or rearranged. This is a factor that Vina Aspire experts exploit when applying it to information security and safety solutions provided to customers.
Vina Aspire would like to share some details about the origin and nature of Blockchain
Blockchain technology was formed around 1998 by American expert Nick Szabo with the idea of creating a technology protocol that is reliable enough when trading and doing business on the Internet. This is also the foundation of the most famous virtual currency Bitcoin in the world today. In 2008, Japanese expert Satoshi Nakamoto, the father of Bitcoin, outlined a new protocol for a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that used forms of encryption to create digital currency. Bitcoin digital.
Blockchain is essentially a combination of 3 types of technology including:
- Cryptography: using public key and hash function to ensure transparency, integrity and privacy;
- Peer-to-peer network: Each node in the network is considered a client and also a server to store application copies.
- Game theory: All nodes participating in the system must comply with consensus game rules (PoW, PoS…) and are motivated by economic incentives

Vina Aspire evaluates Blockchain from the following angles:
– In terms of business, Blockchain is an accounting ledger, an asset management database, a data structure that records asset history between members of a peer-to-peer network system. Based on this foundation, Blockchain – statement distribution technology, was born. Each list is equivalent to millions of digital data related to the development, transfer, etc. process of an online transaction. Each “block” will be like a ledger in accounting, the information chain of a series of such ledgers is linked, and encrypted;
– Technically, this is an immutable method of storing asset transaction history;
– Socially it is a phenomenon, which serves to establish trust by rule of consensus among members of a hierarchy.
Due to the unbreakability and decentralization of blockchain, when this technology is used to replace the domain name system, DDoS attacks become impossible.
A more general application Vina Aspire will use blockchain in cryptography. Since the content of blocks in the blockchain cannot be changed, by using sequential hashing with cryptography in a decentralized structure, we can build a system in which data manipulation Illegal material is virtually impossible.
Blockchain can help make transactions more secure, protect against certain attacks and even, to some extent, eliminate the need for passwords.
Vina Aspire is a consulting company, providing IT solutions and services, network security, information security & safety in Vietnam. Vina Aspire’s team includes skilled, qualified, experienced and reputable experts and collaborators, along with major domestic and foreign investors and partners to join hands in building.
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